Application And Source
I will be posting executable applications and all the source code. I may switch to using GitHub once I get my tech legs back.
I’m currently only developing on Windows. If any kind soul would produce a Mac version, you might get a Critter T-Shirt out of it. I’ve been looking at Wine Bottler to do this.
Evolve 1.0
This is the first release of the Evolve Platform. It includes the Traveling Salesman solution that was developed as a test. Please check out the Release Notes page for a list of the serious CRASH bugs. I will be adding instructions and video code walk throughs as this effort matures (subject to demand).
This platform was developed in C++ on Windows using Visual Studio 2017.
Windows .EXE – evolve.exe
Source – Evolve
Sample Critter and Brain Files – Critters Saved